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Software Selection:

Software Selection process, Software Comparison charts, Cost-justification -ROI calculator, Implementation planning and more...

Software Selection Process:

Call to discuss options with Bill Kormoski. He's a construction accounting software expert with over 25+ years’ experience.

Talk to the Expert

Detailed reviews of leading construction management software packages, including functionality specifics, module-by-module benefits; and system strengths and weaknesses

Side-by-side rating comparisons for 1,000 features to compare program performance

Side-by-side vendor comparisons for product pricing, support costs, training options, and other facts.

OUR GOAL : K&A's goal is to provide cost effective software & technology solutions that improve the efficiency & profitability of your construction and service business. Our years of experience and consultative philosophy has provided us with the knowledge and reputation needed to help companies like yours get to the next level.